We can promote you and post your photos on @KashKoncepts!
Your pictures are great! Get one or more features and we will start posting as soon as we receive your order!
You can choose between permanent features (never deleted) or temporary features (will stay online during the amount of time you order).
* Bonus: Feature requests will be posted on our website with the purchase of a bundled package at no extra cost to you.
Order permanent feature(s) on @KashKoncepts:
Order temporary feature(s) on @KashKoncepts:

Once the payment is done:
​Permanent features are never deleted from our account.
Temporary features stay posted online the limited time ordered (1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h or 48h).
If you have chosen one feature: one of your best pictures will be posted in our gallery no later than tomorrow.
If you have chosen a pack of 3 or 5: we will post one of your best pictures every 1-2 days until the pack is completed.
Should I choose a temporary or permanent feature?
Most traffic on Instagram is generated during the first hours, the ideal choice would be a permanent feature but temporary features are a great way to bring traffic, exposure and followers to your account and it can bring you as many followers as a permanent feature.​
Should I choose a temporary or permanent feature?